Acne is a common disorder that leads to significant social and emotional distress for sufferers. Studies show that acne affects self-esteem and self-confidence. In some cases, it can lead to depression and thoughts of suicide. Low self-esteem can affect school and work. Treatments are available that can help improve self-esteem and reduce social and emotional distress.
What is Acne?
Acne is a clogged skin pore. Blemishes are a common name for acne and can present as blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules (pimples), cysts and nodules. The “T zone” is the area where most acne first appears. The T zone is the area between the forehead, nose and chin. However, the back, neck, chest, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks can also be affected with acne.
Who is at risk for acne?
Acne affects men and women of all races and ethnicities. 85% of acne sufferers are teens and young adults, yet today pre-adolescents are developing acne because puberty is starting earlier and with it comes hormones that trigger oil production and acne. Adult acne primarily affects women in their 30s and older.
What causes acne?
Your genetics and hormones contribute to the formation of acne. Every day skin cells die and are sloughed off. But when our bodies start to make sebum (oil) as in adolescence, the oil causes the dead skin cells to stick together and clog the pore. We naturally have bacteria that live on our skin. When bacteria grow inside the clogged pore, it becomes inflamed and infected. When the inflammation extends deep into the skin, it causes a cyst or nodule.
Acne flareups are related to:
- Hormones imbalance such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Some medications such as steroids, B vitamins, anticonvulsants, and others
- Occlusive cosmetics or moisturizers
- High environmental humidity
- Diets high in dairy, animal fats, and high glycemic foods
Why treat early?
There are many effective treatments. The most important action you can take is to start treatment early. Treatment takes time to work. Early treatment can prevent mild acne from becoming severe. It may help prevent red or dark spots called post -inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Early treatment can also prevent scarring. Severe acne can leave scars but picking mild acne can also cause scars. Treat early and control acne to prevent future breakouts. Early treatment can reduce the social and emotional impact of acne and improve self-esteem.
Treatment is aimed at unclogging the pores with topical treatments that remove dead skin cells (exfoliation) and reduce acne bacteria. Oral treatments may include antibiotics and specific supplements.
When you have nodules or cysts, they can cause permanent acne scarring. Treatment by a dermatologist will help prevent or reduce scarring. Acne that is inadequately treated can cause permanent scarring of the skin and have a significant impact on your self-esteem.
Dermatology & Skincare Arts provides an array of Acne treatments specifically tailored to your needs. Dr. Kandula may suggest a combination of therapies that may include topical and oral medications, chemical peels, skincare products, microneedling and laser therapy.
Contact Dr. Kandula in Parsippany, NJ to get the help you need to battle your acne.